Sunday, April 4, 2010


Easter is big party here, I have to look what swiss tradition says about it but until now I know:
1. Nobody is working during these days (except Ikea!).
2. There are no religious processions.
3. There is chocolate, chickens, feathers an
d children with cavities everywhere.

On friday we decided to go to Lu
cerne or Luzern. Yahoo weather predicted rainy an cold weather, jo jo poor Mr. Yahoo, the sun was shinning and we had lunch in a terrasse :-)

Luzern is pretty, nice and quite touristic (equally
divided between American, Japanese and Spanish tourists, the lasts ones are quite noisy "Naacho, don't touch that, I told you not to tocuh it. Okay you're touching it. Leave it at 1, 2, 2.... Nacho I'll take away your Playstation... Naacho!").

It's worth a walk especially now, there are less people and you can have fun watching the 200 swans and ducks who live in that piece of river ready to enjoy spring full of hormones.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julia,
    Lucerne is really lovely and one of my favorite places in Switzerland.

    Its so nice there to just walk around the lake and see the swans!

    You should check the festivals they have there, and also see Mount Pilatus if you have'nt already.

