Monday, November 29, 2010

About clothes

They say bad weather doesn't exist just bad/not suitable clothes. I'm the queen on that so I'm freezing my ass here in Zürich.

Things I've realised are useful here:

1. A good coat, not the cute little one I brought from Barcelona, they are useless! but just one for 5 months... my 2nd X cromosome won't be happy.
2. Underwear tshirts, but please a real S size. The Swiss S can be worn like a dress :-(
3. Think socks, if you are sensitive to the cold like me you can complement them with a pair of super cool tin foil paper shoe soles!

Thats the basis, you can keep on adding layers close to your body which will bring you to the beautiful and amazing world of long-johns.

Poor John... Placid is going to look so good wearing this.

 But if even with such a wonderful garment you are still cold try this!

A fleece G-string!

Whe said fleece was just for sport underwear?!

Pictures from here, and no, thats not my ass!

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